About Nathan Greeley

In 1988 Nate attended the two year apprentice program at the Rockport Apprenticeshop near Camden, Maine. The Apprenticeshop is one of the oldest traditional boat building schools in the country. Since completing the program, he has worked as an independent boat builder in the seacoast region of southern Maine and New Hampshire.

Technology is everywhere; most of us have come to depend upon it. We seem to be distancing ourselves from our natural environment as time marches on. The work I do with traditional boats is different. I depend on nature to produce the beautiful, resilient, and long-lasting materials necessary to build a beautiful, functional, and seaworthy craft. – Although there are thousands, the shapes of a traditional craft have evolved to answer the needs of the people using them and of course the demands of the sea. I believe this evolution has created some of the most perfect structures on earth.

“For someone as passionate about wooden boats as I am, it just doesn’t do to have any old boat builder working with me on a project. Nate Greeley may be the onlon I know who is more passionate about all things concerning wooden boats – their lines, history, construction, lore, use – than I am, and that makes him the perfect partner for me in my pursuit of the perfect wooden boat.” – Peter Lane